
Representation at the Police Station - a 24/7 service

Scroll down for information on how we can help you at the Police Station

We are on call 24/7, every single day of the year, and we were the first firm in the area to offer such a service. Representation at a Police Station is your right and is free of charge. When you nominate Ross Solicitors to represent you in a Police interview, it means the Police can give us details on what you are going to be questioned about, and what evidence they have. This does not happen if you go into interview yourself, and the interview can turn into an interrogation where you have no idea why they are asking certain questions. You could put yourself at risk if this happens. An INVITE interview is still an interview under caution and it is still your right to have free representation from Ross Solicitors. We have specialist legal representatives for Police interviews and we keep your case details on file should you have any questions after the interview.


You have been invited for interview, or arrested and the Police intend to interview you

So you think you don’t need a Solicitor…..?


The best person to decide whether or not you need a solicitor is… a solicitor.

“I just want to get out of here quickly.”

Ross Solicitors are available right now.

We are able to give you advice on the telephone immediately and can be at the police station within 45 minutes or less – we may even be at the police station already. You may be risking a lot more than 45 minutes by not asking for free legal advice.

“But I haven’t done anything wrong!”

Someone thinks you have or you wouldn’t be here. The law can be complex, and even if you think you haven’t done anything wrong, you may have broken the law.

Ross Solicitors will be able to tell you exactly where you stand.

“I didn’t know I could have a solicitor.”

You can. It is your legal right to consult a solicitor at any time. Even if you don’t want advice now, you can ask for a solicitor at any time.

“I can’t afford it.”

All legal costs at the police station will be covered by Legal Aid, no matter what the crime, no matter how much you earn. You don’t have to pay a thing.

“I don’t know a solicitor.”

Ross Solicitors are available 24 hours a day/7days a week and are completely independent of the police.

Just ask for Ross Solicitors, and we will be able to advise and represent you.

“But I want to admit the allegation.”

Again, the law can be complex, and you may have a good defence when you think you’ve done something wrong. You may be eligible for a caution or warning, or you may need a solicitor to help you get bail if you are charged with an offence. 

“I’ll just go ‘no comment’ then.”

Did you know that if you don’t answer police questions, you could make it harder to fight your case in Court? A reduced sentence for an early indication of guilt may also be affected. It’s a difficult decision whether to answer questions or not, and that’s why you need a solicitor.

What happens in the police station is likely to affect your whole case – the sooner you ask for advice, the better!

It’s your right and it’s free – use it!

Ask for Ross Solicitors


Representation at Magistrates and Crown Courts


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