About Us

For the last 20 years Ross Solicitors Ltd and its predecessor firm Ross, Solicitor have provided criminal defence services in the Swindon area.

We do not work in any other field of law – we are specialists in criminal defence and acknowledged as one of the leading providers in this area, with our experienced staff offering advice and representation at the police station, Magistrates’ Court, Crown Court and the Court of Appeal.

Everyone has a right to representation at the police station and we have operated a 24 hour a day, 365 day a year rota since 1994, the first firm locally to offer such a service. It means that a qualified representative is always available to give advice.

We have solicitors at the Magistrates’ Court every day dealing with cases there. Three members of staff have an HCA qualification, which means we can continue to represent you if your case is sent to the Crown Court, or indeed beyond.

Most of our work is in Swindon, but we but we can travel to other Courts.

If you are charged, or receive a Postal Requisition, (which used to be called a Summons) we will assess your eligibility for legal aid which will cover the costs of representing you at court. However, legal aid is means-tested and if you do not qualify, we will talk to you about the cost of representing you. You can get more information about legal aid from the Legal Aid website


Representation at Magistrates and Crown Courts